Saturday, April 24, 2010

from my HEART

I have 2 beautiful daughters!! Ashley is 26 and Jodi is 22. I witnessed some things this weekend with my girls. Ashley and her husband Jt and I went to a Seventh Day Slumber concert Saturday night. The concert had a booth for children living in poverty overseas and Ashley signed up to help this beautiful little guy in El Salavador named Hector, she really had no idea how much that warmed her mother's heart. The compassion and love that she and her husband showed for a child that they had never met..........  My youngest daughter waivers( caretaker ) for a 10 yr old autistic child. Jodi has been taking care of  her for several months now. I watched Jodi with Lynlee today. Jodi loves this little girl as much as if she were her own. The excitement I see in Jodi's face when Lynlee accomplishes something new or how I see when she lights up from Lynlee's laughter also warms my heart. The love and trust that Lynlee feels for Jodi is evident in her little face..My 2 girls making the difference in 2 children's lives in total different ways but both equally as important....... I was a very young parent, and my parenting skills were not the greatest. The one thing I did have for them was uncondtional love. My love for them is so strong and I Thank My Heavenly Father for the gift He gave me  in those 2 girls. I looked at them this weekend and I decided I just might have done a few things right :)


  1. i am sure you did plenty right...but that is aso his greace for the things we did not. sounds like you have some pretty cool girls the. smiles.

  2. All's well that ends well. Lovely piece!

  3. daughters
    carry forward
    the love I have given
    handed on into other lives
    I am

  4. If we're lucky
    our children
    take care

    Best wishes

  5. Indeed dear Cindy,your Love made it all happen, how wonderful ...more love keeps on expanding


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